The time has arrived where all of us set some new realistic goals for ourselves. But the question which always hinders us is, Are they practically possible? So ladies we have some achievable goals for you where a little cheating is not a worry. Let's see how many of us can actually follow these 5 New Years New Resolutions comfortably:
1) Time To Stay Fit: We need to look perfect on every occasions of our life and for that what can we actually do? Extreme diet regimen? No, that's not the solution to look fit. Coming to workout, do a 10 minutes of yoga for a peaceful start of the day.

2) Let's Travel: All we need to do this year is to break our stressful schedules, yes we can! The joy of travelling and experiencing new places gives immense happiness. So slip a little from your pocket and turn around the world as its never too late for anything. Some lovely destinations to travel by lonely planet for 2017.

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine
3) Healthy Hogging: One can never compromise on food and you don't really need to by motivating to eat some yummy but healthy food recipes this New Year. It's time to for healthy desserts and smoothies by Better Butter.

4) Accessorize Smartly: Yes! This is one of the most important New Years resolution for all of us. As much as accessories we have its less - complain of every women. So do not waste time and enjoy shopping at Shop Rhea the ultimate shopping guide to fashion jewellery.

5) Helping Hands: Helping others feels really effing good. So spending a little from what we save is one of the best investments in life. We collabrated with Om Creation where the work is done so selflessly and organisation is a beacon of hope and inspiration to countless humans
"We can't help everyone but everyone can help someone" - Ronald Reagan